4. Photoshop Tutorial: How to Create See-Through Ghost Photos
1 Greenthumb - 3/3/14
Go to grocery store and photograph several pieces of fruit and vegetables to use as pieces to construct a face.
You will need a large round or oval shape for the face and then will resize
other facial parts as needed (nose, ears, mouth, eyes, hair). The finished
project should be 5" x 7" (portrait mode) 75 dpi. Do a PhotoShop
Reflective Journal upon completion of this project.
2 Colorize - 3/6/14
Photograph one of the flower arrangements in artroom. Colorize the flowers using realistic colors (use the following
colors for them -- two should be red, two should be pink,
two should be lavender, two should be yellow, and the
remaining ones, colors of your choice. Color the background and the vase also. An optional
colorizing tutorial may be found here. The finished project
should be 7" x 7", 75 dpi, and saved in jpg format. Do a PhotoShop
Reflective Journal upon completion of this project.